Barriere’s Comprehensive
Asphalt and Concrete Paving Services
As the largest producer of hot mix asphalt in Louisiana, Barriere has emerged as the state’s premier road and infrastructure builder for customers across the Gulf South in public, private, and industrial projects.
Recent developments in the production of hot mix and warm mix asphalt have led to significant improvements in roadway construction and rehabilitation as well as in lifecycle costs—making asphalt paving an efficient way to extend the life of public and private roadways and parking facilities. Our asphalt products are guaranteed to meet or exceed Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LDOTD) and parish requirements.
As a leading provider of concrete paving services in the Gulf South, we use cutting-edge technology to provide our customers with the best possible materials, equipment, and results.
Barriere provides porous asphalt paving that enables businesses, homes, and municipalities to reduce long-term maintenance costs and increase the financial value of commercial property.
Using the most advanced equipment available, our experienced OSHA-trained crews can expertly remove asphalt or concrete pavement to a desired depth and restore a surface to a specified grade and slope.
The LA-20 Project was a 2.676-mile Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) roadway widening endeavor in the City of Thibodaux that efficiently alleviated congestion and enhanced access to local businesses in this rapidly developing area.

RELATED Asphalt and Concrete Paving Projects

We provide our customers with new construction, full reconstruction, and rehabilitation of asphalt and concrete area in the Gulf South.
As the largest producer of hot mix asphalt in Louisiana, Barriere has emerged as the state’s premier road and infrastructure builder for customers across the Gulf South in public, private, and industrial projects
With 70 years of experience, Barriere has built highway projects for parish public works, local municipalities, local Departments of Transportation and Development (DOTD), and private and industrial customers.