Barriere Releases “Mrs. Betty Tapes” to Kick Off National Community Action Month 2020

Construction Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility Through Betty's Leadership

We Stay Safe for Betty Wilson, Age 91

Barriere’s Culture of Care was activated when Betty Wilson stepped into the role of President after her husband, George Hamilton Wilson Sr., passed away at age 48. George worked hard to turn his family’s business into a legacy, and Mrs. Betty’s values guided her to ensure the legacy continued. She recalls: “It was a great challenge. Could I hold this business together? I had excellent advice and help, but, still, I had to have the determination to make a go of it.”

Mrs. Betty infused the company with her thoughtful, inclusive, determined leadership while ensuring her three sons had time to develop into strong leaders, eventually working her way out of the job. She secured premier contracts with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development – still a regular Barriere customer – but her strongest imprint on the company was in employee safety.

Mrs. Betty’s signature achievement was the establishment of a comprehensive, iterative safety program fortified by executive involvement and employee empowerment. From weekly executive walkthroughs to giving everyone in the company the Stop Work authority, Barriere employees are supported in keeping themselves, one another, and the larger community safe.

Barriere values and prioritizes your safety and wellbeing.

Mrs. Betty’s Culture of Care legacy lives on as we uphold the values she instilled into the heart of the company. These values convey respect and are the cornerstones of today’s Barriere.


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