Barriere’s 25 th Summer Internship Program culminated on Thursday, August 11, 2022, with participation in the CRH Mid-South Region Intern Presentations at the Sheraton Hotel in Metairie. Eleven of our 13 participants presented nine summer projects to CRH company leadership, fellow Mid-South Region program participants, and Barriere leaders and supervisors.
Throughout the summer-long internship, participants worked with their Barriere supervisors to develop a project that provided the students with hands-on experiences and allowed them to directly contribute to improving our work processes. The goal of each project was to offer real-world opportunities for students to learn and grow in their desired career fields.
The presentation program opened with a safety minute lead by Barriere intern Lari Grieff and a welcome from Dwayne Boyd, CRH Regional President – Mid-South Region. Lee Cole, VP of Environmental Health and Safety, gave an overview of CRH and career opportunities within the company.
The Barriere cohort presented their projects and what they learned over the summer alongside interns from Midsouth Paving and APCA Mississippi. They also heard from several speakers including, Bret Thornton, Vice President of Midsouth Paving, Nate Killingsworth, President of APAC Mississippi and Jason Latiolais, President and CEO of Barriere Construction.
The students joined in a Q&A session with an expert panel made up of Nate Killingsworth (APAC Mississippi), Emily Faschan (Barriere, Business Development), Justin White (Barriere, VP Asphalt Operations), Cy Nicholson (APAC, Human Resources) and Matthew Smith (APAC, Estimator).
The keynote address was given by William Crossley, President of Piney Woods School. The presentation program concluded with lunch.
In additions to working on their projects this summer, Barriere interns participated in orientation and training, toured Barriere’s three asphalt plants and visited each of our four operating groups. Special thanks to our intern supervisors for dedicating their time and expertise to making this summer’s intern program a valuable learning experience for our 2022 class!